In 2017, DR C introduced a weekly audio series titled, Bare Essentials Bits: All You Wanted to Ask About a Grammatical/Writing Tidbit but Were Too Embarrassed To Ask!
Each 5-minute audio addresses a spelling challenge or grammatical issue that stumps or confuses writers, such as knowing when to use then or than or their, there, or they're. The series also explored punctuation marks, apostrophes, and commas.
Because of the solid response we received from listeners, we decided to repost the audio series. While you will hear MANA's DR C announce specific dates from August to October 2017, the grammar tips remain relevant.
If you still have questions about grammar or punctuation after listening to any of the episodes, feel free to email DR C at Put on the subject line: "Bare Essentials Bits—Got a Question." Thank you!
Now, enjoy the Bare Essentials Bits audio series!
Now, enjoy the Bare Essentials Bits audio series!
Audio Series
How do you use the apostrophe mark with contractions? Click on the player below for the answer.
Miss Previous Episodes? Check Out the List Below:
1. What's the difference between "affect" vs. "effect" and how are these words used? Click HERE to listen for the answer.
2. When do you use "come" vs "came"? "did" vs: done"? "run" vs."ran"? "saw" vs."seen"? Click HERE to find out the answer.
3. This podcast gives tips on when to use "there," "they're," and "there." Click HERE to listen to the episode.
4. How do you use the apostrophe mark when a noun ends in "s"? Click HERE for the answer.
Want more "bits" about grammar? Then check out the book, Bare Essentials Bits—The Book: Providing the Puzzle Pieces of Good Grammar, Precise Punctuation, and Accurate Word Choice on MANA's website by clicking HERE: