Saturday, March 16, 2019

DR. C's Academic Online Cruise Ship—Week Seven: Causes/Effects/Solutions

To read the initial post about DR C's Academic Online Cruise, go HERE.


Day One

I focus intensely on the upcoming assignment—causes/effects/solutions.

The choices are:

Choice A. Write about the three causes, three effects, and three solutions of a personal challenge you are currently facing. In addition, to what you personally think is ONE of the major causes, ONE of the major effects, and ONE of the major solutions in body paragraph one, you need to provide a parenthetical citation for every cause, every effect, and every solution to support your discussion regarding the cause, effect, and solution. Thus, there should be at least three parenthetical citations, one for a cause, one for an effect, and one for a solution. And a works-cited page is needed.

Choice B: Write about a cause, effect, and solution to the serious situations that have occurred at Newtown, CT, Aurora, CO, and Parkland, FL. In addition, to noting ONE of the major causes, ONE of the major effects, and ONE of the major solutions in body paragraph one, you need to provide a parenthetical citation to support your discussion regarding the causes, effects, and solutions. Thus, there should be at least three parenthetical citations, one for a cause, one for an effect, and one for a solution in body paragraph one. And a works-cited page is needed.

Thus, I expect a minimum of three (3) different resources and three different parenthetical citations. I am trying to give my trainees an opportunity to cite. I need to see if they are beginning to understand how to do so. Yes, they have been with different captains on an English 101 ship. However, just the experience on the 101 ship is not enough. And based on their inquiries, this is made quite evident.

There are three (3) different samples for them to follow. They are in their handbook. I have written the samples. I have even demonstrated how to write such a paper totally objectively or personally. I do choose the personal challenge dealing with hypertension. I believe if one’s crew never sees the captain write, it is not fair to expect the crew members to do what they have never seen the captain do.

Day Two

At the very beginning of the session, I collect the papers that are due. 

Then, I focus on the upcoming Diction Theme. However, I do spend over a third of the class session trying to prepare them for the research proposal and body theme one. This proposal is a proposal for the upcoming research paper. Most are used to submitting a research paper that is just one long mess of paragraphs. I have no complaints about that set up; however, I want to show an alternative. This alternative follows with my definition of a research paper: “A research paper is just a collection of themes developing the major thesis of the whole paper.”

Since this is different for most of them, I want to start the discussion today and let what is taught “marinate” throughout the remainder of the week and for the next week.


This week I work to prepare my online crew for the writing of the causes/effects/solutions paper. Their reading assignment is regarding this method of writing. I point out on Blackboard what expected. I post directions. Also, I encourage them to study very carefully the reading assignment.

Finally, I encourage them to write to me any questions they may have. 

It is at the very beginning of next week that the assignment will be due—a five-paragraph theme. 

OK, let us see what occurs.

Reflection: Sometimes, students, yes, college students do not see their captains as human. Surely, they have no personal challenges; they just want to work us to death . This upcoming causes/effects/solutions paper shows them differently. When I share the symptoms experienced and how I had to confront my challenge head on, I am hoping to do more than just show I am human, I am letting them know that I trust them to share a personal side of me. After all, I cannot possibly wish for them to feel comfortable to do the same if I have not done so. 

Well, let us see what happens when I receive those papers. 

OK, this cruise line is working hard to develop solid captains so they can master their ships. Let’s see just how successful with the upcoming papers.  

What do you think about DR C's Academic Online Cruise Ship? Tell us your thoughts in the comment box below this post. 

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